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/ Staff writer, with CNA

A nationwide ban on the slaughter and transportation of poultry is to be lifted today, as the avian influenza outbreak has been brought under control, Council of Agriculture Minister Lin Tsung-hsien (林聰賢) said yesterday.

The government issued the ban on Friday last week in an effort to contain the spread of bird flu, particularly the highly pathogenic H5N6 virus.

The other bird flu virus strains found at the nation’s poultry farms were H5N2 and H5N8, the council said.

Lin said the ban was lifted because the outbreak had slowed over the past week.

The nation has gone four days without suspected cases of poultry being infected with the H5N6 strain, Lin said.

The virus has not been detected in chickens for eight consecutive days, the council said.

It said that 633 people who are under medical observation have not been diagnosed with the H5N6 strain.

The Animal Health Research Institute is to continue to analyze specimens, Council of Agriculture Deputy Minister Huang Chin-cheng (黃金城) said, adding that the institute was not ruling out the possibility of issuing another alert.

Wild fowl might still be infected with the H5N6 strain, Huang said.

Should new cases be found, poultry at local farms would be contained and culled if necessary, Huang said, adding that poultry farms within 1km of a reported case needs to send in samples.

Farms within a 3km to 5km radius would be visited by institute staff for confirmation that their poultry has not been infected before they can resume shipments, Huang said.

Duck farms have to undergo mandatory specimen checks and cannot continue shipments until all specimens are reported negative, he said.

According to the World Organization for Animal Health, nations are only taken off the influenza watch list if they go three months without an incident, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine said.

The council cannot guarantee there will be no relapse after the lifting of the ban, but the initial ban had greatly helped lower the risk, the bureau said.

Yesterday, 3,366 geese were culled on a farm in Chiayi County as a precautionary measure, it said.

The owner of the farm in Budai Township (布袋) reported an abnormal number of deaths among his geese, which were found to have signs of avian flu, the bureau said.

It was the first case of precautionary culling since the ban was issued last week, it added.



By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNA

National Sun Yat-sen University has established a committee to help it determine the fate of campus statues of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) and Republic of China (ROC) founder Sun Yat-sen (孫逸仙).

The increase in student support for transitional justice and increased incidents of vandalism of the statues prompted the school in Kaoshiung to seek a consensus on what should happen to the statues, school officials said on Wednesday.

The statues carry political weight, but their presence on campus has also overseen a multitude of students graduate, Department of Student Affairs head Yang Ching-li (楊靜莉) said.

The university decided not to act on its own, as the question of the statues’ fate provides a great opportunity for students, faculty, lecturers and alumni to discuss the issue, Yang said.

The university established the committee to spo送 女友 的 生日 禮物 建議nsor debates and public hearings through on online voting platform devised by professor Liao Ta-chi (廖達琪), Yang said.

After taking all opinions into consideration, the university will announce its decision at a news conference on April 5 at its Art Center, Yang said.

The center is housed in the building where Chiang stayed during visits to the university and April 5 will be the 42nd anniversary of his death, Yang said.

University dean Cheng Ying-yao (鄭英耀) said that there was a significant increase in support for transitional justice following the inauguration of President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) last year, and the statues’ removal might not be a bad idea because it would provide more space for staff and students.

However, the spirit of the university’s founding and the statues’ historical meaning must be considered, Cheng said.

The university has no stance and will respect whatever decision is reached, the dean said.

However, the statues will remain together whatever decision is made, Cheng said.

However, the question of a name change for the school has been removed from the list of issues up for discussion.

In related news, the Tainan City Government on Tuesd男士 禮服ay night removed a statue of Chiang in a roundabout in Yujing District (玉井), the third such removal this month.

The Tainan City Government said the symbol of the authoritarian period should be left on the ash heap of history.

It called on the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), which protested the removal, not to obstruct social progress.

Seven more Chiang statues in public spaces will also be removed, it said.

It removed 14 Chiang statues last year from elementary and junior-high schools.

Additional reporting by Tsai Wen-chu


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